Monday, February 18, 2008

i get the news i need on the weather report

a large. dark. grey cloud began to shift. shadowing the isle of manhattan as i ducked into the movie theater. catching a late afternoon matinee.

hours later, leaving the theater, heading for a dinner of paninis and wine... the rain was lightly sprinkling down. leaving faint traces. on the sidewalk. on my jacket.

yet. as i ran after my bus from one stop.
then to the next.
without success.

the sky opened up.
bathing me in rain water.
the lights of the city now multiplied. as their reflections gathered in the puddles. and got caught in the droplets.
i was suddenly cloaked in city lights.

and when yet another bus passed. i was left on the relatively abandoned sidewalks of 1st avenue and the 30s. in a state of being so wet. i couldn't get any wetter.

and i couldn't stop laughing.

because they're right.
i've got nothing to do today but smile.


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