Saturday, September 23, 2006

subway stance

stepping into the subway. there's no room to sit. no room to hang onto a strap. no room to steady yourself against a door.

you can only hope that the other riders can help cushion you. buffer you. keep you from becoming a pinball amongst them.

so get prepared.

feet shoulder width apart.
knees slightly bent.

shift your weight against the force of the train.
if it attempts to throw you forward. use all of your might. to push your weight back.

hands should be free.
free to push yourself off of the person next to you. free to help you get your balance.

throw out that hot cup of coffee.
or don't wear white. and hope no one else is either.

and certainly. . .

don't get cocky.


Blogger charters said...

Brilliantly captured!! I can so remember the arrivals in the stations especially, and trying to antipate exactly when that abrupt stop would come, bending my knees and flexing my quads more and more as the brakes struggled to stop our momentum---so I wouldn't look like the total tool standing next to me who went flying down the aisle because he neglected the art of it all. And it is art.

The same art that is present when walking down a crowded sidewalk and knowing exactly how and when to rotate your torso that 90 degrees necessary to avoid slamming your shoulder into the shoulder of the person walking directly towards you. You know what I'm talking about...

8:40 PM  

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