Saturday, August 27, 2005


there seemed to be but a few things that could be redeeming about this evening's plan. but it was still irresistable. afterall, for whatever reason, my roommate bree and i have developed a strange relationship with corey feldman. or rather, all things related to corey feldman.

it all started innocently enough. we simply watched the dvd extras of the classic film, "The Goonies." and found corey feldman being very . . . corey feldman. as bree aptly described him, "he's like one of those crazy morning djs."

before i knew it, it had snowballed. it seemed that everywhere i looked, corey feldman - or at least his name and image - appeared. it's as if he was following me. i know. bizarre. and perhaps it doesn't even sound that likely or even that unbearable. and if it had been most other 80s child actors . . . well, i just might have felt differently. ricky schroeder? no problem. ralph macchio? alright. gary coleman? . . . maybe. oh but that feldman!

so there i was the other morning. i had just gone downstairs to get my morning coffee at jack's. and i glanced over the neighborhood fliers jack tends to have lying about. and what did my eyes see?

the words: corey feldman.



i snatched up the flier. marched upstairs to bree and threw it in front of her face, demanding that she examine it.

corey feldman is currently starring in "Fatal Attraction: A Greek Tragedy" at a local theater. it's a campy spin on the 80s film written - we recently discovered - by one of our neighbors. and, did i mention, starring corey feldman.

so we decided we must go. and we went tonight. and i'll be damned. it was actually funny. funny as hell. we laughed our asses off. it had just about everything we could ask for:

overtly campy.
based on an 80s film.
a story about a chick who goes psycho over an unavailable guy.
sound effected psycho voices.
anime moments.
a donnie darko bunny suit.
a modern-dance inspired dream sequence.
corey feldman dancing.
corey feldman singing.
and . . .
corey feldman.


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