Tuesday, October 04, 2005

this and that

“What is love? Respect, trust, admiration. I felt all those things. So cut to the present tense and I feel like . . . if someone were to touch me I’d dissolve into molecules.”

that's exactly it. and i'm confused.

the best friend. the lover. but both? does that even exist? or is it a myth?

i'm beginning to wonder. ok. truth be told . . . i've wondered for a while.

you meet someone who is completely fascinating. they have similar interests. AND complimentary ones. they teach you things. they challenge you. they adore you. and you them. you find that you can talk about anything. you can open up to them. be honest. discuss even your deepest past. and something's . . .

. . . missing.

and one brush of unfamiliar lips changes everything. because they suddenly seem anything BUT unfamiliar. like these are the lips you should have been kissing your entire life. two people falling entirely into the motion. completely in sync. and you are instantly elated . . . and devastated. because you realize. it's different with this person. and you will not be able to settle for anything less. you will always want this. AND that.

and it all just seems incredibly unfair.


Blogger moira said...

Oh, it exists. Trust me. And if the feeling is reciprocated, take my advice: grab on with both hands and don't let go.

12:30 PM  

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