Wednesday, September 07, 2005

if you only knew . . .

there are a zillion things that happen between the time you walk out your door to the time you walk back in it.

most of them don't get mentioned here.

some moments have grown to feel not necessarily mundane, but they might. they might if i put them down on paper. if i remembered them all in every minute detail. instead of as sketches in my own memory. things that i can recall in that grandfatherly way . . . "i remember this ONE time . . ." carrying a distant smile with the excitability of only those who have the image of a place and time etched in their brains.

and others . . . others are mine. times that i don't think i could dare share. for fear of tarnishing them. huge moments that were defining of this place and the move i made to live in this place. representative of all that i'd hope this would be. moments that were beautiful. and silly. and astonishing. and, honestly, i don't think my words - or the english language in general - could do those moments justice.

and others . . . others are just secret.


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